Tuesday 6 December 2011

Occupy Wall Street

LIVE UPDATES: Building New Structures on K Street

Posted 2 days ago on Dec. 4, 2011, 11:23 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Last night, Occupy K Street-DC erected a wooden structure, a "People's Pavilion," at their main encampment in McPherson Square. According to Occupiers, the structure will be used as a warm place (designed to be heated by a novel sustainable energy source: water bottles that collect and store solar heat) for General Assemblies, teach-ins, and other community building purposes.
They have also said that the structure represents the needs of the 99% who are being left houseless by economic inequality. The People' Pavilion is a symbol of all homes stolen by banks and corporate greed, right on K Street -- in front of the Wall Street lobbyists who buy the politicians on Capitol Hill. Or, as one Occupier said: Read More...

UPDATES: Portland Holds New Home

Posted 2 days ago on Dec. 4, 2011, 9:11 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Watch live streaming video from occupyptown at livestream.com
Last night, Portland Police used violent force to evict Shemanski Park. Photos and live footage show police in full riot gear aggressively taking down nonviolent protesters. Among other incidents, one 15 year old was smashed in the face with a baton. Undaunted, Occupiers took to the streets, routed lines of riot police, and marched on City Hall. As revelers joined in and the protest continued to grow, the march stopped downtown for a dance party and then returned to Shemanski to defend their new home while celebrating with more dancing and pizza. Proving that our determination cannot be halted, most police had left the scene and Occupy Portland continues to hold public space as of 9am EST (6am PST). Read More...

Portland Re-Occupies

Posted 2 days ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 8:54 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
OccupyPdx re-occupation
Occupy Portland has reoccupied a new home. Marchers arrived at Shemanski Park at the corner of SW Park & Salmon around 5pm PST today and began setting up tents, canopies, and other infrastructure. Two police with batons arrived and threatened the crowd, but were shouted down by the jubilant Occupiers and eventually left. There is an open kitchen and live music on stage. As of 6:30pm PST, there were already over 20 tents set up.
There will be a General Assembly at 7pm PST. Occupy Portland is anticipating an eviction and encourages all supporters in the area to join them in peaceful, nonviolent solidarity tonight! You can also follow @OccupyPdx and @OccupyOregon on Twitter.
Like other occupations across the country, Occupy Portland has recently experienced police repression and was evicted from their original encampment. However, as in other cities, Occupiers have not allowed this to deter their efforts to protest economic inequality. In Portland, supporters have been organizing mobile flash mobs on bicycles to "bike swarm" banks. Meanwhile, Occupations in Los Angeles, Boston, and elsewhere marched today. In Philadelphia, Occupy Philly marched to proclaim: "You Can't Evict an Idea."

Occupiers Launch Hunger Strike to Liberate Outdoor Space

Posted 2 days ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 8:52 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

On Saturday, December 3, in Liberty Plaza, we—THE OWS HUNGER STRIKERS—began a hunger strike. We are striking to demand outdoor space for a new occupation. We are holding our strike at Duarte Square on Sixth Avenue and Canal Street in Manhattan as part of a continued effort seeking sanctuary on Trinity Church’s unused land.
This is a call for escalation, in response to the escalated levels of government-enacted violence and repression The Occupy Movement has endured over the last few weeks. In dozens of cities across the nation, Mayors chose to stifle freedom of speech and the right to assemble by evicting peaceful occupations using illegal and and unconstitutional force. Here in New York, on the night of November 14, the City—under orders from Mayor Bloomberg—violently evicted our community from Liberty Square.

Occupy Seattle Joins Wave of Building Occupations

Posted 3 days ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 10:43 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Seattle u10 warehouse
Last night, undeterred by the city's destruction of their original encampment, hundreds of Occupy Seattle supporters occupied a vacant warehouse slated for demolition and condo development. After entering, Occupiers erected barricades, held a General Assembly, and began plans to fix up the space for community use.
Using SWAT teams and a ladder truck, police swarmed the warehouse, making 20 arrests and setting an unsettling precedent for the escalating use of military-style tactics against nonviolent occupiers who are liberating public space.
Occupy Seattle is currently holding a jail solidarity action in front of the King County jail and are requesting all their supporters show up!
Like similar building occupations across the country and the globe, Seattle's occupation of the 10th and Union warehouse signals a new stage of the Occupy movement. Facing a coordinated crackdown on public encampments, occupiers are moving indoors. In the lead up to December 6th, the National Day of Action to Occupy Our Homes, Occupations from Los Angeles to Minneapolis to Atlanta to Boston are turning empty and unused buildings into commonly-held resources for our communities, and defending homes from foreclosure and forcible eviction.
occupy dc liberates franklin school

Farmers Join Occupy Wall Street, Calling for Food Justice

Posted 3 days ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 6:21 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Walmart As Wall Street’s corrupt influence on the economy has grown, the corporate ownership of our food system has hurt the health and livelihood’s of some of our most vulnerable communities. This Sunday, December 4th food justice activists and occupiers will be traveling from as far as Colorado, Iowa, Maine and Upstate New York to join together for the Occupy Wall Street FARMERS’ MARCH.Through a day of dialogue, musical performances, and a march, farmers and their urban allies working for food justice in their communities will form alliances to fight and expose corporate control of the food supply.
Events throughout the day will call and inspire participants to fight against the corporate manipulation of the agriculture system. An industry that is responsible for using chemical toxins tied to soaring obesity rates, heart disease and diabetes and limiting access to affordable, wholesome food to the country’s poorest citizens.

Occupy Wall Street Goes Home

Posted 4 days ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 3:04 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

On December 6th Occupy Wall Street will join in solidarity with a Brooklyn community to re-occupy a foreclosed home. The day of action marks a national kick-off for a new frontier for the occupy movement: the liberation of vacant bank-owned homes for those in need. The banks got bailed out, but our families are getting kicked out. The fight to reclaim democracy from the banks is growing from Wall Street to Main Street.
The NYC foreclosure tour and home re-occupation is part of a big national day of action on Dec. 6 that will focus on the foreclosure crisis and protest fraudulent lending practices, corrupt securitization, and illegal evictions by banks. The Occupy movement actions, including eviction defense at foreclosed properties, takeovers of vacant properties by homeless families, and foreclosure action disruptions, will take place in more than 25 cities across the country.
Millions of Americans have lost their homes in the Wall Street recession and one in four homeowners are currently underwater on their mortgages. The 99% is bearing the brunt of a crisis caused by Wall Street and big banks.
That's why, all across the country, Americans have begun standing up to the banks that are trying to evict them. It's already happened in Atlanta, Miami, San Francisco, Minneapolis, and cities and towns across the country. Now, it's happening in Brooklyn. Soon, it will be happening everywhere.
Wall Street and the big banks are making record profits while most Americans are struggling to stay in their homes. They break the law with impunity, but millions of us get served with eviction. They make trillions and get bailouts, while we face record unemployment and record debt.
No more! Our system has been serving Wall Street, big banks, and the one percent.
We are the 99%. We are reclaiming our democracy.
And we are reclaiming our homes.
Facebook Event Page
#OCCUPYOURHOMES #DECEMBER6TH #D6- "Homeowners Speak Out" - Mimi Pierre Johnson & Jean Sassine from Rhodes Pictures:

Occupy Our Homes from Housing is a Human Right:

NYC Event Details

Foreclosure Tour: Meet @ 1pm for March starts at Pennsylvania and Livonia. Ends at undisclosed location of home re-occupation. Block party and house warming to follow. Bring gifts and food! Take 3 train to Pennsylvania Ave or L train to Livonia Ave.
March: At 1pm, we are gathering at Pennsylvania and Livonia in East New York, Brooklyn (3 train to Pennsylvania or L train to Livonia) to march through a neighborhood on the front lines of the economic crisis. Along the way, we will take stock of foreclosed properties for the growing Occupy REAL Estate Listing Service, so families can reclaim stolen homes in their neighborhood -- and connect with allies in their communities to defend the human right to a home. The march will end at a house warming and block party for the family and their neighbors. Bring housewarming gifts and food to share!
Mic Check the Subways on the Way
On your way out to the action on Tuesday, come together with other NYC GAs for a Subway People's Mic! Here are the meeting points:
Bronx: Hunts Point station, 10:30 am

Queens: Roosevelt Ave/Jackson Heights,11:30 am
Brooklyn: Atlantic Terminal Plaza, 11:30 am

Staten Island: Staten Island Ferry, 11:00am
Feel free to just show up and join in, or help bottom-line by doing the following:
  • Put up signs directing people to OWS: Taking back our home, or 'JOIN US IN TAKING OUR STORIES TO THE TRAIN', whatever you want your sign to say.
  • Encourage someone to start with their first story. Give people gathered a brief intro to using the People's Mic on the train - i.e. only use 4 words at a time, wait for people to finish echoing before starting the next phrase, etc.
  • Get on the 3 or L trains by 12:00 at the latest (trying to get to East NY by1:00), after a few stories have been shared/practiced. Make sure everyone gets on the same train!
  • Be inspired: Start the People's Mic on the train! And let things roll from there! Stay on 1 train car, stay together, but feel free to stop at main stops to do the People's Mic on the platform (places like Union Square or 42nd Street - with tons of people). If people get shy, encourage them to tell their story, give them a smile and a wink.
  • Get off at 3 train to Pennsylvania or L train to Livonia. Join the march from Pennsylvania and Livonia in East New York, Brooklyn, to march through a neighborhood on the front lines of the economic crisis. Along the way, we will take stock of foreclosed properties for the growing Occupy REAL Estate Listing Service, so families can reclaim stolen homes in their neighborhood -- and connect with allies in their communities to defend the human right to a home.

Occupy Broadway

Posted 4 days ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 3:01 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt


This Saturday, creative artists, performers occupy Broadway and commence an all-night performance in an undisclosed bonus plaza.
Walmart EVENT: Occupy Broadway (theatre/shopping district) with a 24-hour performance.
WHEN: From December 2nd starting at 6pm until December 3rd at 6pm
WHERE: Times Square by the red stairs, between 46th and 47th streets, along 7th Ave, NY, NY
SHHH!: location released at 6pm day of: @OccupyWallStNYC #OccupyBroadway

Moving Forward Together: An Open Space for Discussion

Posted 5 days ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 1:36 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
When: Saturday, Dec 3 from 11am-6pm @ 311 W 43rd St.
Since losing our encampment, different spaces have been used for continued discussion and creative reflection together. This Saturday, a process called Open Space will be piloted to look at what we value, what we’ve accomplished, and where we are going. Please join us as an individual or with your work group. Invite friends, family or any others who you want in this conversation with you. Open Space is based in decentralized small conversations that are documented and shared with the whole group. It is more resilient to disruption and less centered on facilitators. There will be opportunities to be trained in hosting Open Space gatherings in the coming weeks if people are interested.
You can learn about Open Space here and here.
 Contact OpenSpaceOWS@gmail.com with any questions.

Occupy to Celebrate: The Resilience of OWS

Posted 5 days ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 1:18 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

On Saturday December 3rd, 2011, at 10:00 am, Occupy Wall Street and members of the New York faith community invite the Occupy Movement to join in a celebration of our occupation at Liberty Square. We are calling on all occupiers to reenergize our movement, keep Liberty Square active, and share ideas about the importance of outdoor spaces for our future. Bishop George Packard, Pulitzer prize-winning author and journalist Chris Hedges, and OccupyFaith will rally around Occupy Wall Street's immediate need for spaces to continue organizing for social and economic justice. Read More...

Phillip Glass Joins OWS in Protest at Lincoln Center

Posted 5 days ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 1:09 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Walmart Phillip Glass will join OWS for an action at the Lincoln Center tonight, outside the final performance of his opera Satyagraha, on the life of Gandhi and the history of non-violent civil disobedience.
Lincoln Center is sponsored by the Koch Brothers and Bloomberg. At the same time that they celebrate this story of a historic social movement, they are working to shut down the contemporary Occupy movement.
In protest, Phillip Glass will lead a mic check / people's mic outside, reciting the libretto (chorus of Gandhi quotes).
When: Thursday December 1, 2011 at 10:30PM.
What: A General Assembly at 10:30 PM at Lincoln Center. Join us in an open conversation about the effects of increased privatization and corporatization of all aspects of society, and the use of nonviolent civil disobedience around the world to reclaim the commons. Composer Philip Glass will join the general assembly and mic-check a statement.
It is no doubt timely that Philip Glass' opera 'Satyagraha'--which depicts Gandhi's early struggle against colonial oppression in India --should be revived by the Metropolitan Opera in 2011, a year which has seen popular revolutions in North Africa, mass uprisings in Europe, and the emergence of Occupy Wall Street protests in the United States.
Yet we see a glaring contradiction in ‘Satyagraha’ being performed at the Lincoln Center where in recent weeks protestors from Occupy Wall Street have been arrested and forcibly removed for exercising their First Amendment rights to peaceful public assembly. Read More...

March for Jobs and Economic Fairness

Posted 5 days ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 12:33 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Walmart The NYC Central Labor Council has called a march on Dec 1st for Jobs and Economic Fairness that's "not just for the labor movement, but for everyone who is frustrated and worried about the growing economic disparity in this country. It's for anyone who has ever agonized about finding a job, paying for college, meeting a mortgage payment, or how to buy enough food for dinner. " #OWS will be there. More info here. Image Info

War Profiteers Meet Tomorrow In NYC. They Won't Be Alone.

Posted 6 days ago on Nov. 29, 2011, 12:46 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Walmart Tomorrow, the Aviation Week and Credit Suisse will be holding their 17th annual Aerospace & Defense Finance Conference in NYC. These war profiteers export death in the name of defense. They have obscene influence over our democracy with politicians in their pockets and hundreds of lobbyists working congress. They sell arms to to the 1% so that war can be waged against the 99% in efficient and technologically advanced ways. #OWS will not stand silent as these dangerous parasites take our tax dollars and turn them into arms and profit.

WHEN: Wednesday, 11/30, two rallies/marches--6:30am meet up and rally to non-violently interrupt business as usual as delegates enter the conference, and 4:30pm to rally against militarism.
WHERE: Both rallies are In Madison Sq. Park near the intersection of 24th and Madison. The Conference is being held at One Madison Avenue 12th Floor (Park Ave South between 24th & 23rd streets).
Some background info
Where your tax dollars go pie chart
Aerospace & Defense Finance Conference Site

Occupy Oklahoma City Now Facing Eviction

Posted 1 week ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 11:17 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Watch live streaming video from occupyspanol at livestream.com
Call Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett (405-297-2424 - email mayor@okc.gov) and voice your opposition to the eviction of this peaceful expression of free speech!
The coordinated crackdown on free speech continues. While Occupations in Los Angeles and Philadelphia are still holding strong (as of 11pm EST) and Washingtonians are occupying their State Capitol, the encampment at Occupy Oklahoma City is now under threat of eviction. Read More...

Washington State Capitol Building OCCUPIED

Posted 1 week ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 9:14 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Today in Olympia, Washington, the Washington State Capitol was occupied. Several occupiers were arrested and forcibly removed by Washington State Troopers. In yet another display of excessive force, three people were reportedly tased by police. Last Updated, 12:28 EST

CUNY Protests Happening Now

Posted 1 week ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 5 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Inside of a barricaded meeting at Baruch College (24th and Lexington Ave), the City University of New York Board of Trustees is voting to raise tuition at the school. Outside, hundreds of Occupy CUNY students and their supporters are chanting, "Education is a right, Fight! Fight! Fight!"
Students are asking all supporters to join them at Baruch College until 8PM this evening.

LIVE: Occupy Philly Still Standing Strong

Posted 1 week ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 12:06 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Though ordered by the city to leave yesterday and threatened with arrest, Occupy Philly remains peacefully assembled. For background on the situation in Philly, see our earlier post.


  • 10:54pm EST: Still there, still peaceful, still no arrests.
  • 7:15pm EST: Still at Dilworth! General Assembly underway.
  • 6:53pm EST: Police presence reported to be thinning.
  • 5:43pm EST: Police are blocking off public park. Occupy Philly still urging supporters to gather, bring cameras!
  • 4:40pm EST: More police are reported seen massing near the plaza, but have not yet made any attempt to evict. Occupy Philly is still holding strong at Dilworth, planning to hold General Assembly!
  • 12:58pm EST: Occupy Philly will be gathering at 4pm today at Dilworth Plaza**, not at Rittenhouse Square. Please come out and support us as we make plans for the future of our movement in Philly.
  • 12:32pm EST: According to Twitter report, power has been shut off at Occupy Philly this morning.
  • 11:03am EST: From a Facebook post:
    "Our eviction party last night started off at 5pm with about a thousand supporters and an open mic about what kind of world we want to live in. Then we had a dance party, a conga line to Thomas Paine Plaza, and a 5am march against traffic to Rittenhouse Square, where we strolled past police cars at every entrance. Eviction didn't happen, but a lot of fun did! Please go to Occupy Philly to support and relieve people who've been up ALL NIGHT holding the space against the eviction!! We called Nutter's bluff and are still going strong! Much love crew!!! And come and join us tonight." SEE PHOTOS: OccupyPhilly on Facebook

Occupy Philly Facing Eviction TODAY

Posted 1 week ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 12:04 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
support Occupy Philly

Despite having sent a letter of appeal to City Hall, Occupy Philadelphia is facing imminent eviction:
[Mayor] Nutter has joined the chorus of Mayors nationwide to silence and render invisible this movement against Wall Street greed. The City told us to leave City Hall with all of our belongings by 5pm today. At 5pm let's show them how much support this movement has. Come to City Hall and stand with the 99%! Chances are police will not move in at that time. The City will probably unleash them in the middle of the night to start ripping down tents and displacing the homeless.
Occupy Philly also released the following statement urging solidarity from the 99% and offering ways for supporters to help today: Read More...

URGENT: Occupy LA Prepares for Eviction

Posted 1 week ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 10:40 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
The mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa, has ordered Occupy LA to pack up and leave Solidarity Park (formerly City Hall Park) by 12:01AM tonight or face arrest. Villaraigosa – who initially claimed to support the Occupation and has lauded OWS for "awakening the country's conscience" – is now citing "public health and safety" as justification to evict the encampment, even as LA police chief Charlie Beck refused to reject the use of tear gas and rubber bullets against nonviolent protestors.
As Villaraigosa held a press conference announcing the park would be closed indefinitely after eviction, Occupy LA held a counter press conference outside City Hall. Meanwhile inside, Occupy LA delivered part of its General Assembly's response, including their so-far unmet grievances:
As a collective, Occupy Los Angeles would like to express their rejection of the City of Los Angeles’ alleged proposal that we leave City Hall by November 28th, 2011, in exchange for an apparently now rescinded offer of a 10,000 square foot building, farmland and 100 SRO beds for the homeless. . . .

We the people have peaceably assembled in public space seeking at minimum a full of redress of grievance for the government's criminal mistreatment of the people and fraudulent application of judiciary responsibilities, in large part for the interest of exploitative corporations and weaponized banks.

Answering Egypt's Call for Solidarity

Posted 1 week ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 9:56 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
occupy egyptian consulate

On November 22, occupiers of Tahrir Square issued an urgent call for global solidarity, asking the world to:
  • Occupy / shut-down Egyptian embassies worldwide. Now they represent the junta ; reclaim them for the Egyptian people.
  • Shut down the arms dealers. Do not let them make it, ship it.
  • Shut down the part of your government dealing with the Egyptian junta.
The Occupy movement is answering their call. Yesterday, hundreds marched on the Egyptian consulate in New York City.
In NYC today (Saturday, Nov 26), an Egyptian solidarity rally will begin at 1 PM at the Egypt Mission (East 44th St & 2nd Ave), with a march at 4PM.
An action is also being planned for Thursday, December 1st in front of a tear gas plant in Jamestown, Pennsylvania that has been supplying the Egyptian military junta. Participants from Occupy camps across the Northeast region will gather outside of the plant, which is owned by Combined Systems International. Read More...

Boycott "Black Friday!" Solidarity with Striking Chinese Workers!

Posted 1 week ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 1:36 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
chinese police

This Black Friday, as millions of Americans scramble to find the "best deals" on consumer goods, thousands of Chinese manufacturing workers are striking to demand livable wages, job security, and other basic rights. In Huangjiang alone, 8,000 striking shoe factory workers took the streets Thursday, blocking roads and standing down lines of riot police. Their factory, owned Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings, is a major provider to the sportswear company New Balance.

It seems fair to say these workers are striking for a "new balance" with their management, and the system of global exploitation that management serves. Facing police repression and media censorship, striking Chinese workers are standing up against the same unfair economic system we are fighting on Wall Street and across the world. Today, Occupiers everywhere are standing up to Boycott Black Friday in an effort to raise awareness about the exploitation and inequalities that produce the goods Americans purchase. Read More...

After Feeding Thousands, OWS Sits Down in Liberty Square

Posted 1 week ago on Nov. 24, 2011, 6:09 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Thanksgiving at #OWS

Today, Occupations across the U.S. have shown that the 99% Movement can do more than protest—we can also take care of one another. Across the world, people still reeling from homelessness, poverty, foreclosures, and economic inequality have a lot less to be thankful for. But today, we reminded ourselves—and the world—that we can still be thankful for our mutual solidarity. From D.C. to Oakland and everywhere in between, Occupiers sat down for communal meals. Others marked Thanksgiving by honoring indigenous Native communities and First Nations who continue to fight for their land and sovereignty against colonialism and corporate greed. Read More...

Movement for Justice in El Barrio

Posted 1 week ago on Nov. 24, 2011, 12:34 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
An Invitation from Movement for Justice in El Barrio:
To members and families of organizations, community members, and people of good heart, who are resisting in their communities,
To Occupy Wall Street and their supporters,
To those who fight for humanity,
NYC Encuentro for Humanity and Against Neoliberalism
An Encuentro is a space for people to come together; it is a gathering. An Encuentro is not a meeting, a panel or a conference, it is a way of sharing developed by the Zapatistas as another form of doing politics: from below and to the left. It is a place where we can all speak, we will all listen, and we can all learn. It is a place where we can share the many different struggles that make us one.
El Barrio, NYC
Sunday, December 4th, 3:00 p.m.

Occupy Seattle Occupies Wal-Mart

Posted 1 week ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 1:46 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Walmart On Friday, November 25th, Occupy Seattle will join Occupy Tacoma, Occupy Bellingham and Occupy Everett in a statewide protest at Wal-Mart in Renton at 2:00pm.
With its long history of mistreating workers and suppliers, its recent announcement of significant cutbacks on employee health care, and its obscene profits, Wal-Mart is a prime example of how the 99% are suffering at the hands of the 1%. Read More...

December 6: Occupy Wall Street “Goes Home”

Posted 1 week ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 11:17 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
December 6 will be a big day of action for the Occupy Wall Street movement. #OWS will join the struggle of families and communities that have been on the front lines of a struggle for economic justice. We will stand in solidarity and ask our fellow occupations to join us for a national day of action on the foreclosure crisis. We are fighting Wall Street's reach on every block, every farm, every house in America with sit-ins at foreclosed properties to right this moral injustice.
The Occupy movement is born of the simple belief that humanity could meet our common needs if not for the predation and greed of the very few. Nowhere is this disparity of wealth and power more evident than in the struggle to secure the human right to housing. Read More...

Occupy Wall Street Thanksgiving

Posted 1 week ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 10:51 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Thanksgiving dinner picture

This Thanksgiving, Occupy Wall Street is celebrating unity and community with an open feast at Liberty Square. From 2 to 6 p.m. at Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park) we will meet to share food, stories and inspiration. All members of our global community are invited to break bread with us.
"This is all about supporting the 99%,” said Megan Hayes, an organizer with the #OWS Kitchen working group, and a former high end chef. “So many people have given up so much to come and be a part of the movement because there is really that much dire need for community. We decided to take this holiday opportunity to provide just that – community." Read More...

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