Friday 20 January 2012

Qlink group Special Conditional Rate for Night Shift Operators

Admin panel price= $20


We are currently offering conditional increase of $1.80/1k during night time. To get the special rate, you will need to work straight 5 hours — Monday to Friday (every week) from 11:30 am to 6:30 am IST (Indian Standard Time).

If they are not able to work straight 5 hours/day then we will pay your regular rate.

How my special rate is calculated

Question: How this $1.80/1k rate works.

Answer: You will need to work straight 5 hours/day from 12:30 am to 06:30 am Indian Standard Time Monday to Friday (every week).

Question: How do we calculate your pay with special rate $1.80/1k.

Answer: We pay you regular rate + remaining additional rate for those users who work straight 5 hours/day.
For example:
If you have 20 people on your team.
You put 5 people on special rate to work straight 5 hours/day and remaining 15 people will work whenever they want.
So, if regular night shift rate is $1.00/1k, we will pay you 20 people × regular rate for all CAPTCHAs your team solved. And we will pay the additional $0.80/1k for 5 people who worked straight 5 hours/day Monday to Friday (every week) from 12:30 am to 06:30 am Indian Standard Time.
In total we will be paying $1.80 for those 5 people who worked hard during night shift.

Question: How do we know that who worked straight 5 hours?

Answer: Anyone who works straight 5 hours/Day between 12:30 am to 06:30 am Indian Standard Time is automatically added to the Special Rate Monitoring list.

Question: What happened if I worked straight 6 hours instead of 5 hours.

Answer: Night shift starts at 12:30 am and ends at 07:30 am. We need people online from 12:30 am to work straight 5 hours or more, minimum is 5 hours. So if you worked 7 or 8 hours per day, we will still pay you the special rate for extra hours.

Question: Do I have to use multiple accounts to complete straight 5 hours?

Answer: No, the special rate applies on one ID.

For example:
If you have a supervisor account “abc” and you have five employee accounts “abc1”, “abc2”, “abc3”, “abc4” and “abc5”.
If you ask all your employee to work on special rate $1.80/1k, they all have to work separately straight 5 hours.

There is no limit to add people. You can add as many people as you can.

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